Nayab Farid
2 min readJun 28, 2021

Beauty, a simple word used by millions of people a day. But has anyone taken a moment, stopped, and actually thought of the authentic meaning of what beauty truly is? What defines beauty?

Whether is it skin color or weight or freckles on one’s face? Or is it something deeper than that? Something that may not involve physical aspects but rather being able to embrace one’s uniqueness.

Today in our society, the media i constantly telling young adults exactly how they should look in order to be beautiful, they set guidelines such as arched eyebrows, flawless skin, plump lips and the list goes on, which is just useless, that is just a way for huge corporations to survive off people.

They set an image which unfortunately leads teenagers to become severely infatuated with looking perfect, but if we all looked like that, wouldn’t we simply be all clones? Of course! and then the world, well it would fairly be a boring place.

You truly don’t have to be perfect in order to be beautiful. There are many aspects which play significant role such as personality. It may not be seen with the naked eye but the way someone makes you feel, being loved, being cared for, that is what should be defined as beauty.

Many people are actually frightened to stand up for what they believe in, but will following the crowd help you achieve anything in your life? Because it honestly shouldn’t matter what other people think, it’s what you think of yourself and that’s the only thing which matters at the end of the day!

Following what society believes is beautiful, may have its pros such as fitting in and joining the super popular group at school but unfortunately, you will not be remembered by just “fitting in” with the crowd.

A perfect example in this case would be celebrities; they all try so hard to be different from each other and that’s what actually make them beautiful and unique in their own respective way. This teaches us a great lesson; it tells us to overcome obstacles and to not be who everyone else wants you to be rather embrace your flaws because that’s what makes you human and let your imperfections define you. Lastly all what holds importance is what you think of yourself so next time when you count all the beautiful things don’t forget to count yourself in because you are the creation of a Creator who never make mistakes!

Originally published at on June 28, 2021.



Nayab Farid

Someone who loves to express through her writings.